Fostered & Adult Adoptees
Claim Their Space
Project: The AN-YA
Project is dedicated to empowering the voices of all adopted and persons who were fostered. In their next upcoming manuscript—
The AN-YA Project is thrilled to announce that it will co-edit an incredible
anthology with nationally known adoption, race educator and activist, Susan
Harris O’Connor, on a book solely dedicated to Black Adoptees and Black Persons
who were fostered. It will be the first
global anthology of its kind to bring together those who are connected by the
Black/African Diaspora in adoption and foster care. This includes those who are
multi-racial/ethnic who have or believe they have Black/African
parentage. This anthology will be a collection of personal
encounters, viewpoints, artistic expressions, artistic interpretations,
and goals for the direction fostered & adult adoptees are headed.
Requirements to submit: Writers and Artists must be (18+ years old) and must consider and
identify themselves racially Black/African or part racially Black and be
either an adult adoptee or an adult who had spent time in foster care or an
orphanage as a child.
Process and Guidelines:
Original Work
Only. Seeking: Essays, Poetry, Lyrics, Fiction, Creative Non-Fiction, etc..
Font: Times New Roman. Line: Double Spaced. Maximum
Submission Word Count: 2000. Please submit your work in a Word
document via email to [DianeChristian] (remove brackets) Please
include a brief bio with your submission (100 Word Count). Contact us
with any questions.
Work Only. Please submit your artwork
(Black & White only) as a photographed or scanned high resolution jpeg w/ a
300 ppi . Email to: [DianeChristian] (remove brackets).
Include a brief bio with your submission (100 Word Count).
(Seeking artwork which can be reproduced in Black & White for printing
purposes.) Contact us with any questions.
Deadline for Submissions-
August 1st, 2016
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